Using the darwin-py Dockerfile

This guide will walk you through the steps required to build and run darwin-py as a Docker container. The darwin-py package provides a Python SDK and CLI to interact with the V7 Darwin platform, and this Dockerfile helps you set up a consistent environment for its use.


Before you begin, ensure you have the following installed on your system:

1. Obtain the Dockerfile

You can find the Dockerfile in the darwin-py repository from versions 1.0.4 onward. Clone the repository or download the Dockerfile to your working directory:

git clone
cd darwin-py

Ensure the Dockerfile is located in your working directory:

Dockerfile  pyproject.toml  poetry.lock  ...

2. Build the Docker Image

To build the Docker image, open a terminal in the directory containing the Dockerfile and run the following command:

docker build -t darwin-py .
  • -t darwin-py: This tags the image with the name darwin-py, making it easier to reference later

The build process will:

  • Install necessary build tools
  • Install Python dependencies using Poetry
  • Install the darwin-py package and CLI

3. Customise the Dockerfile

If you have specific requirements, you can customise the Dockerfile before building:

  • Copy across files: Uncomment and modify the COPY . /app line to include any local files you might need, such as files to upload to datasets, annotations to import, or credentials for authenticating
  • Expose Ports: Uncomment and modify the EXPOSE line to expose any necessary ports

4. Authenticate

Almost all darwin-py functionality requires that you are authenticated with a particular Darwin team you wish to interact with. You can authenticate by:

  • Creating a client directly from an API key:
from darwin.client import Client

client = Client.from_api_key(API_KEY)
  • From your ~/.darwin/config.yamlfile. If you've used darwin-py before, you can copy across your config file to the container:
from darwin.client import Client

client = Client.local(team_slug='team_slug')
  • Via the CLI command, darwin authenticate:
>darwin authenticate
API key: 
Make {team_slug} the default team? [y/N] y
Datasets directory [~/.darwin/datasets]: 
Authentication succeeded.