Filter & sort your data

V7 offers a number of ways to filter and sort the data in your datasets. This guide will take you through the different ways you can organise and query your data within the GUI.

Dataset Filters

You can filter your data within the Data tab of any dataset by:

  • Assignee (current/historical)
  • Workflow stage
  • Processing status
  • Class
  • Folder
  • Issue (Contains comments)
  • Archived

Use the filters in the side panel to quickly sort filter for any combination of the filter options above.


Or logic

All of the visible filters in the side panel filter use or logic meaning if you filter for more than one option, then the filters will return any results where either of the filter conditions is true.

For example, if you were to filter for the classes Bald Eagle and Falcon the filters would return all files containing one of those two classes.

Read on to the Advanced Filters section to learn about how you can filter using and logic.


Search by filename by adding individual filenames to the search field and hitting Enter. You can copy filenames to your clipboard by clicking on the filename as it appears under an item's thumbnail.

Active Workflow

Each individual stage that appears in the Workflow tab of a dataset will be reflected in the Active Workflow field. Filter by one or more workflow stages using by clicking on the stage icon.

Generic filters

Filter by overall stage (for instance, all files in any Review stage) or state (Processing, Uploading, Archived) in the main section of the filter side panel.

Click any option twice to negate it (the gif below shows an example of filtering for all files that are not in a complete stage):


Select one or more classes to filter for all files containing annotations of that class.

Advanced Filters

Select More Filters above the search field to create an advanced filter containing one more filter options.


And Logic

All of the filters in the More Filters section use and logic meaning if you filter for more than one option, then the filters will return any results where both of the filter conditions is true.

For example, if you were to filter for the class Bald Eagle and Current Assignee is Bill Leaver is the filters would return all files containing instances of Bald Eagle that are currently assigned to Bill.


Filters in the workview

Filters carry over between the full view of your dataset in the Data page, and the workview (the point of view when annotating or reviewing an image or video). Don't forget to remove any unnecessary filters before diving back into work on a dataset!

Export filtered data

After you've applied one or more filters in the Data tab, hit Export Data in the top right of the page, select Create Export, and select Current filters to create an export version that only contains files that match your filter criteria.

Sort data

You can sort the Data tab of a dataset by the following criteria in ascending or descending order:

  • Date added
  • Date modified (when an item moved from one stage to the next
  • File size
  • Name
  • Priority

Create and manage folders

V7 offers two methods for creating folders in the Data page of a dataset. The first involves selecting one or more files (select one file and hold shift on your keyboard to select multiple) and hitting the New folder icon in the top right of the page. Additionally, if you would like to Select All, you can either press ctrl-a or press the box icon next to the number of files selected.

The second involves selecting one more files, selecting the Folder option at the bottom of the page and entering the folder name or path if using a multi-level folder structure to create a new folder or send files to an existing path.


Delete folders

Delete or collapse a folder by removing all files from it. To collapse a folder:

  1. Open the folder
  2. Select all files
  3. Select the on the Folder option at the bottom of the page and select or type in the new path for your files