Supported file formats

The table below contains a breakdown of the file formats that V7 supports. We're always building out the list of supported filetypes, so if you don't see the format you're looking for, click the Support/Feedback button and let us know!

FiletypeUsed in
.jpg, .jpegImages
.pngUncompressed images
.pdfPDF documents
.bmpBitmap images
.svsDigital pathology
.tifScientific & greyscale images
.tiff, .qtiffScientific & greyscale images
.dcmMedical images (Dicom)
.rvgDental images
.nii (.nii.gz)Medical images (Nifti)
.zip (.dcm)Medical image sequences (images playable like videos)
.ndpiDigital pathology


Large files

V7 will automatically create pyramidal tile for any file over 10,000 pixels in height or width (tiled files can still be annotated as a single image, but V7 will display the optimal resolution when zooming in/out of the image).

Support for large images above 32,000 pixels in height or width will vary depending on your device's browser and machine specs. Size limits are:

Max width: 65,535 pixels
Max height: 65,535 pixels
Max area: 268,435,456 pixels