Supported file formats
The table below contains a breakdown of the file formats that V7 supports. We're always building out the list of supported filetypes, so if you don't see the format you're looking for, click the Support/Feedback button and let us know!
Filetype | Used in |
.jpg, .jpeg | Images |
.webp | Images |
.png | Uncompressed images |
PDF documents | |
.mp4 | Video |
.mov | Video |
.mkv | Video |
.hevc | Video |
.avi | Video |
.bmp | Bitmap images |
.svs | Digital pathology |
.tif | Scientific & greyscale images |
.tiff, .qtiff | Scientific & greyscale images |
.dcm | Medical images (Dicom) |
.rvg | Dental images |
.nii (.nii.gz) | Medical images (Nifti) |
.zip (.dcm) | Medical image sequences (images playable like videos) |
.ndpi | Digital pathology |
Large files
V7 will automatically create pyramidal tile for any file over 10,000 pixels in height or width (tiled files can still be annotated as a single image, but V7 will display the optimal resolution when zooming in/out of the image).
Support for large images above 32,000 pixels in height or width will vary depending on your device's browser and machine specs. Size limits are:
Max width: 65,535 pixels
Max height: 65,535 pixels
Max area: 268,435,456 pixels
Updated 9 months ago
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