
Description of the "dataset" menu from the CLI

darwin dataset

Enter darwin dataset in your terminal to list all of the dataset-level operations available using the CLI. We'll explore each command in depth in the following guides, but you can also check out our in-depth SDK docs here - these are generated from our source code.

$ darwin dataset
Arguments to interact with datasets

    comment             Comment image.
    convert             Converts darwin json to other annotation formats.
    create              Creates a new dataset on darwin.
    delete-files        Delete one or more files remotely.
    export              Export a version of a dataset.
    files               Lists file in a remote dataset.
    help                Show this help message and exit.
    import              Import data to an existing (remote) dataset.
    local               List downloaded datasets.
    path                Print local path to dataset.
    pull                Download a version of a dataset.
    push                Upload data to an existing (remote) dataset.
    releases            Available version of a dataset.
    remote              List remote datasets.
    remove              Remove a remote or remote and local dataset.
    report              Report about the annotators.
    set-file-status     Sets the status of one or more files.
    split               Splits a local dataset following random and stratified split types.
    url                 Print url to dataset on darwin.

This is a list of all the operations you can do with both local and remote datasets using the CLI. In the following chapters, we will explore them.