List Dataset Files (CLI)

Lists all files in a remote dataset. The output consists in a table with file name and status.

$ darwin dataset files example-team/mydataset 
# test1.png complete
# test2.png complete
# test3.png annotate

The files can be optionally filtered by file status and/or folder name. Allowed statuses are: new, annotate, review, complete, archived.

$ darwin dataset files example-team/mydataset --path outdoors
# test1.png complete
$ darwin dataset files example-team/mydataset --status complete
# test1.png complete
# test2.png complete

The optional --only-filenames flag can be used to only list the filenames.

$ darwin dataset files example-team/mydataset --only-filenames
# test1.png
# test2.png
# test3.png