Slugs and Identifiers

Guide to slugs and identifiers in V7

In V7, we use slugs and identifiers (alphanumerical values) to uniquely identify objects such as teams, datasets, item and more. This guide takes you through some of the most important you will use and how you can find them.

Alphanumerical Identifiers

The following table details the most common alphanumerical identifiers needed for API requests and SDK methods

IdentifierDescriptionWhere to find it
stage_idUUID representing a stage in a workflowID in stages list when calling this API request
user_id/assignee_idUnique id per user in your teamuser_id in this API request
team_idInt used as identifier for your teamteam_id in this API request
dataset_idInt used as identifier for a datasetIDs in objects when calling this API request
workflow_idUUID representing a workflowID field in this API request
item_id/dataset_item_idUUID representing a dataset itemItem_ids in this API request
annotation_classs_idUnique int in team representing a particular classID field in this API request
report_uuidUUID for async CSV annotator item reportsID field in this API request
upload_idUUID for uploadupload_id in this API request
thread_idUUID representing a comment threadID field in this API request
comment_idUUID representing an individual comment within a comment threadID field in this API request
edge_id/edgeUUID representing an edge connecting workflow stagesID within edges objects when calling this API request
source_stage_idstage_id of the source stage of an edgesource_stage_id within edges objects when calling this API request
target_stage_idstage_id of the target stage of an edgetarget_stage_id within edges objects when calling this API request
model_id (WIND API)UUID representing a model register in V7 (either V7 trained or external)ID field in this API request
model_template_id (WIND API)ID of the model template on which to base a TrainingSessionID field in this API request
running_session_id (WIND API)The ID of a running sessionID field in this API request

Slugs and other identifiers

Dataset Identifiers
A dataset identifier is a string that uniquely identifies a snapshot of a dataset. It is composed by 3 smaller sub-strings:

  • team slug
  • dataset slug
  • version

And it looks like this: <team-slug>/<dataset-slug>:<version>.

Slugs here are normalized versions of the values they represent, usually without spaces and with special characters either removed or replaced with hyphens.

For our Cars dataset example in Andreas Team, the identifier for the latest version would be: andreas-team/cars:latest


See the SDK documentation on this topic

Finding Team Slugs:

Team slugs can either be found programmatically or in the UI.

In the UI
In the Command Line Upload section of the data upload pop up after push in the automatically generated commands. So In the example below, v7-labs is the team_slug:


Note: The dataset_slug will be the part after the forward slash. So in this case it would be traffic-lights

Using the SDK:
You can also run the code below using the darwin-py SDK:

from darwin.client import Client

client = Client.local()
print("Client default team slug: {}".format(client.default_team))

Storage Names and Storage Slugs:

When using external storage, it is necessary to use the storage_name or storage_slug. This is the sluggified version of the Storage Name specified in your storage settings.


Team and Dataset Slugs

If you are unsure on how to generate slugs then you can use the Slugify Python library. However, underscores are not replaced with a hyphens in this case.